Besshi-Suiha Flower Viewing Road

In the east of Ehime, along the coast to the east of the Ishizuchi Mountains, another range of mountains rise suddenly from the coastline. They are the Akaishi Mountains and the Houou Mountain Range, standing anywhere between 1500m~1700m tall.
Craddled within these mountains is a 65km long driving course that connects the Kokuryo River and Dozan River, offering drivers an amazing view.
It is here, on the Suiha-Besshi Mountain Tourism Route, that you can enjoy the ever-changing seasons and the beautiful flowers that they bring.

- Flowers, etc.
- Viewing Period
- Location
- Camellia
- February ~ March
- Hirose Park
- Cherry Blossoms
- Early April
- Hirose Park
Yamane Park
Suiha Plateau
Mishima Park - Mid April
- Minetopia Besshi Hadeba Zone
Ikadatsu Mountain Lodge
Kinshakohan Park
- Wild Cherry Blossoms
- Late April
- Besshi Flower Viewing Road
- Rapeseed Blossoms
- Mid April
- Suiha Plateau
- Japanese Cypripedium
- Late April
- Mt. Besshi Uryuno
- Azalea
- Late April-Early May
- Mishima Park
- Woodland Peony
- Early May
- The Forest of Sumitomo (Forester House)
- New Green Leaves
- Early May
- Besshi Flower Viewing Road
- Akebono Azalea
- Early May
- West Mt. Akaishi - Mt. Tsunakuri
- Peony
- Early ~ Mid May
- Minetopia Besshi Hadeba Zone
- Wisteria
- Early ~ Mid May
- The Forest Park “Yuragi-no-mori”
- Poppy
- Mid May
- Copper Mines Area
- Rhododendron
- Mid May
- Nakashichiban
- Mountain Heath
- Mid ~ Late May
- Copper Mine Peak
- Satsuki Azalea
- Mid ~ Late May
- Besshi Copper Mine Memorial Museum
- Iris
- Early June
- The Forest of Sumitomo (Forester House)
- Japanese Water Iris
- Mid June
- Suiha Plateau
- Akamono(gaultheria adenothrix)
- Mid ~ Late June
- Copper Mine Peak
- Hydrangea
- Late June ~ Early July
- Hydrangea (Ajisai) Road
- Alpine plants
- Japanese Lady Bell
- Hepatica
- Prickly Rose etc. - May ~ July
- East Mt. Akaishi
- Yellow Wax Bells
- Mid July
- Besshi Tourism Center Ikadatsu Mountain Lodge
- Indian blanketflower
- July ~ August
- Yamane Park
- Cosmos
- August ~ Early October
- Suiha Plateau
- Bush Clover
- September
- Suiha Plateau
- Fall Foliage
- Early October ~ Mid November
- Besshi Flower Viewing Road
- Ginkgo
- November
- Zuioji Temple
- Winter Cherry Blossoms
- Early December ~ Early February
- Minetopia Besshi Hadeba Zone